Monday, March 28, 2011

Well, there goes the weekend....

I keep having to remind myself that today is Monday, we had so much fun this weekend, especially after Jacob working so much last week. Friday night we visited with some friends and Saturday morning/afternoon was spent at Repticon, and Sunday was spent lazing around and snuggling as a family.

Repticon was great since Jacob used to breed frogs (like, dart frogs) and he had some breeder friends that were vendors, it was nice for him to get in touch with them again. Plus, I've always loved snakes and dart frogs, so I was interested in going to see some of the rarer/more expensive breeds. It was so much fun, Madeline sat facing out in the Moby and looked at everything, she was awake almost the whole time. There were so many interesting animals, including alligators and water monitors, there was even a skunk! I wish I had gotten more pictures, but it's hard to do without offending some of the vendors. Here's what I do have, though let me say that these photos don't do these animals justice.

Giant inflatable snake? Check.

Skunk? Also check.

These snakes are by Adam Chesla Reptiles. (click for email)
Adam Chesla Reptiles

Adam Chesla Pied
This is my personal favorite representation of a Piebald Ball Python.
We also took a little walk through the venomous snakes, I somehow forgot to take a picture of the epic King Cobra. Here's what I got: 
Rhinoceros Viper and Eastern Diamondback(vemons)
Monacled Cobra and Neotropical Rattlesnake (venoms)
This is Bill Schwinn's table and frogs. He breeds beautiful frogs and has great prices, if interested click here.
Bill Schwinn Display

Frogs by Bill Schwinn

Darts by Bill Schwinn

Bill Schwinn Dart Frogs

Bill Schwinn Frogs



And this is one of Kelly's Balls' gorgeous Pastel Ball Pythons.
Pastel Ball

I seriously had a blast. It was so cool to see all of those amazing animals in person, I definitely want to make a habit of going. Jacob wants to get back into frogs, and oddly I think that's a great idea.

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