Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I have an interview today

As much as I need a job, I am sad at the thought of no longer being a stay-at-home-mom.

Ugh, wish me luck (I hope the purple hair is not an issue, hah).

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  1. for what job? well good luck!!

  2. Good luck with the interview! I know exactly how you feel. I just went on an interview a few weeks back and I'm waiting to hear the decision.

    Hope we both get the job :)

    New follower, stop on by..

  3. How funny, I just popped over here. I saw you on top baby blogs. ANyway, I have an interview tomrrow and I am sooooo sad:( I need work too really badly but I desperately don't want to leave my children. I have 2 babies. One is 6 weeks the other 16 months! It's nice meeting you! Your daughter is gorgeous!!! Good luck to you! I am your newest follower.

    Hanna from
