Monday, December 6, 2010


My name is Jessica Nicole Potts, and my life has changed significantly since 2009.

I've always been the type of girl who changes her mind constantly. I enjoy body modifications, but prefer piercings to tattoos due to their lesser permanence. I dye my hair various colors every few months, I've had black, blonde, brown, red, orange, purple, pink (baby girl pink and hot pink), fuschia, lavender,and green (by accident) hair. I enjoy the following hobbies; cooking, reading, singing, drawing, painting, sewing, dancing, swimming, and photography (you can find my 365 photo blog here). I am generally offensive because I usually don't know when to shut up, but I consider this a positive thing because you can trust me to be brutally honest.

In April of 2010, I confirmed what I had suspected since mid-March; I was pregnant. My pregnancy was unplanned but not unwanted, especially considering the fact that Jacob and I had planned for having a wedding in February and TTC almost immediately thereafter. Sadly, due to our financial restrictions, we had not been able to pull off the wedding when we had originally planned, leaving us pregnant and unwed. We were wed on June 28th, at the local courthouse, and a week later we went on our honeymoon to Washington state. We have since decided that as soon as it is financially feasible, we will be moving across the country to the Olympic Peninsula.

I had been documenting the ups and downs of my pregnancy at my other blog, but recently decided that I needed something more reliable, so I created this. As far as my pregnancy goes, I've been given three different due dates (November 27th, November 28th, and December 12th) so right now, I'm just waiting to meet my daughter, Madeline. Since December 15th, 2010; I'm a full time mother.

I am Jessi, 21 year-old momma, married to the most amazing man I've ever met, and we are the proud owners of our three 'kitty-babies';
Muice (pronounced 'Moose')
Persephone Jones (aka Percy or Pj)

This is my life.

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