Wednesday, August 31, 2011


These past two months have been really difficult for us. In July, Jacob got a nasty rash/skin infection, within days he was in the ER. The doctors prescribed him 21 days of antibiotics, and after a few days he started seeing results. The beginning of August brought what seemed like better luck, with a sudden opening at my father's work. Jacob went in for an interview on August 2nd, and started the next day. The job isn't glamorous (packing frozen meats/fish), but it is a far shot better than trying to run a lawn service in the Florida heat. Plus, it's full time, and after 90 days he gets benefits, including dental.
Unfortunately, since he's working in a freezer that is constantly kept at -8 degrees Farenheit, we had to spend a decent amount of our precious savings on warm clothes. Then as Jacob was wrapping up treatment for his rash, he cme down with another infection in his fingernails, and had to go see a doctor again. Again he was prescribed antibiotics, and now he is seeing fantastic results. 
But it seems our luck wasn't going to take a turn for the better quite yet, just as Jacob began to feel better, Madeline came down with a mystery illness. Saturday, August 27th, I woke up and kissed Madeline, burning my  lips. I took her temperature, it was 100.0 F. An hour later it had come down to 099.3 F, but just two hours after that she was back up to a scary 101.7 F. I took a cool shower with her and cuddled and tried my best to make my poor burning baby feel a little better. An hour lapsed between temperature readings, and she was still above 101, so I called the Dr. and gave her some infant Tylenol, which only brought her down to 99.3. Her temp continued to fluctuate all day, peaking at 102.3 around 1 am Sunday morning.  Monday morning she started to act like herself again and her fever has been completely gone since then.
I feel so overwhelmed these past few months.  On top of my loves getting sick, we've had to spend so much money on the car (replaced the bearing on the right side, found out the brake was shot too), and I had a 6 month photo shoot to do.
I have had NO time to keep up with the house, much less blogging. I am disgusted when I look at my house right now. 
I hope to clean the house up today, in entirety, and as soon as that's done, I have some quality posts planned out for you all, including an intro on how we switched to cloth diapering and another installment of Madeline's Must-Haves! So, please keep your eyes peeled!

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