Friday, April 15, 2011

Madeline's 4 month checkup!

Madeline was wonderful at the doctor's today, while we waited, she was 'talking', smiling, and laughing her little heart out.
We got called back and the nurse took Madeline's temperature, weighed her, then measured her height and head circumference.
Shortly after that, Dr. V came in, and did his thing. He said that he wanted to re-measure her height because the nurse's numbers seemed off (according to her, Madeline was 25.25 inches, in the 85th percentile). Dr. V measured Madeline and corrected her sheet. We discussed our few minor concerns (poop things and such) and the doctor suggested that Madeline begin eating rice cereal in the mornings with a second feed of vegetables in the afternoon. (this is exciting because Maddle has been very interested in our food, and often mimics us when we eat. Jacob and I were going to ask the doctor about possibly starting her on solids as is!)
Madeline then had her 4 month shots, and we were good to go!

Madeline at 4 months:
Height: 24.25 inches (65th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs, 3 oz (66th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.25 inches (61st percentile)

Since the doctor's office is so close to our families, we stopped by Jacob's mother's house for a bit, you couldn't even tell that Madeline had just gotten two shots. She's so sweet.


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